"I rescued this mare from auction not knowing she had major aggression. I tested her for many things and tried many treatments including ulcers, hormone therapy and other pain treatments. The only thing she responded to was EZium and CBD pellets.
This mare was so dangerous, I was not able to go in the pasture with her for almost four months. Could only handle her through the fence on a good day. After 7 weeks on EZium, I could pet, brush her, flyspray and pick up feet. The change was amazing. I have used EZium for years on other horses with anxiety and other issues. I had no idea that aggression like this was a mag deficiency. Ezium truly saved this mare's life! First two pics are before, second 2 are after."
Terri S.
York, SC
72% say their horses were less nervous, excitable, or jumpy
58% saw an increased tolerance to work
47% saw greater freedom and range of motion
47% saw a reduced incidence of spooking
36% said their horses were neater in their stalls
Other improvements reported were reduced soreness, less hypersensitive to touch or brushing, less lunging required before focusing on work, easier to blanket, and increased stamina.

"EZium was suggested to me by my trainer when my young horse started exhibiting signs of stress from trailering and increased training. Prior to using EZium, my normally level-headed young mare who lives outside 24/7 had started to show signs of stomach discomfort and I treated her for ulcers. I started her on EZium and saw a very quick change in her reaction to training - she became more calm and willing and seems very comfortable now. This is a product that is very easy to use and she readily eats it! It is now a permanent part of our nutritional program."
Heather M.
Troutman, NC
Makani P.
Manteo, NC
Snapple has much improved since being on Ezium. He used to be spooky around the ring and within one week we noticed a huge difference!
Dawn W.
Apex, NC
Claudius has been on EZium for a year. He is definitely more focused and confident on it. We just debuted at Grand Prix with a 66%. Thank you EZium.
Cindy Y.
Yadkinville, NC
Very talented show mare but very sensitive to everything. EZium seems to help this one a lot. Ready to work and more cooperative overall.
"An equine nutritionist helping me manage an insulin resistant horse I had in my dressage training program first told me about EZium Metabolic. I checked out the website and when I read through the list of signs your horse might have a magnesium deficiency, I immediately thought of another horse I had in my training program. Both horses, the IR horse and the horse with a resistant and sometimes spooky nature got started on their respective EZium products at about the same time. The change in the spooky and resistant horse was nearly immediate. I noticed a difference within 4 days and within 2 weeks the horse came off his calming supplement. Within a few months he had progressed enough that he was able to go home and work with his owner full time. The metabolic horse was showing more energy and looking more healthy and happy within a few weeks. He had more spring in his step and his weight improved. I was so impressed with the product that I put my young horse, who you could describe as not having a fantastic work ethic, a bit grumpy about putting himself together, on EZium and what a different horse! He is focusing better. His muscles glide, he is feeling fit and strong and willing. I now recommend this product regularly to my students and I have seen results each and every time.
As I have watched this product work on many of my student’s horses I am learning that this product meets horses where their needs are. This is what made me try it on my Grand Prix horse this winter. FIveStar isn’t a spooky horse. He is fit and has good muscle and is flexible. I didn’t think that he needed the EZium just based on his happy athleticism. But I thought, well, he works very very hard, he is 18 hh and he is 14 years old. Since it has helped every other horse, maybe it will help him too. And my gosh! What a difference. He recovers faster, walks better, stretches further, carries lighter, has almost no muscle sorceress after a hard work out. It didn’t make him lazy, it has just helped him float over the ground with more ease.
So often when you are working with a supplement, it is hard to know if it makes a difference. But EZium seems to be loud and clear: it works! Unless you are a chemist, it is also hard to know if the science behind the product is being correctly represented. I gave this a try because someone with a PhD in Equine Nutrition (and independent of the company) suggested it to me. I am so very glad it was recommended. I am so very glad it works so well. And I am so very glad that the company itself is easy to work with. I would recommend this product to everyone that owns a horse. They don’t have to be in a major trouble to benefit from this product. They will benefit. They all will."
Michelle L.
Verona, NY
Kirsten H.
I struggled keeping my horse quiet and ever since being on the original EZium, he has been an angel to ride. I also have a laminitic 23 year old pony who is on the Metabolic EZium and it has kept him happy and healthy.
Tom H.
Thanks for a great product. My 3 yr old Quarter Horse mare was very moody before EZium, now she’s happy. She has been on EZium for 5 months I skipped a week to see if I saw a difference. Let’s just say I will never run out again.
Cricket G.
After one month I noticed my horse's topline filling in better. He also seems more focused on his work. I feel EZium is a very worthwhile supplement for all performance horses.

"First off, I want to say THANK YOU for this great product! It has been a game changer for my mare and the absolute key to our success.
The first photo is my OTTB Mare, BFF Abbey, approx 2 years ago as a 4yo. I got Abbey in some pretty rough condition from a second set of hands that had her after her race career (see bonus before and after photos at end of email!) To this day I never understood what I thought I saw in her at the time, because as you can see, it was rough. My goal was to train Abbey from the ground up to become my next up and coming barrel racing mount. I had taken a lengthy hiatus from the rodeo/barrel racing world when my gelding retired and it was time for me to get back into it. Training Abbey was difficult and just handling her in general was even a challenge. The smallest amounts of movement or sound would trigger her to get jumpy, antsy and occasionally inconsolable over the matter.
One day during a magna-wave session, the woman that was doing the treatment recommended your product as a supplement in my feed program for her. I had owned Abbey for approx 6-8 months at this point. So we ordered a pail of Ezium and the rest is history. Halfway through our order I noticed a sizable difference in her demeanor. She was much less focused on the world around her...at least much less hyper-focus on the every day things that she would get antsy about such as if a broom tipped over or if the cross ties banged against the wall as you let them go when taking her back to her stall. Training became easier and overall she was just blossoming in weight and coat. Fast forward to the end of last summer where the second picture was taken at a barrel race. Yes, that’s Abbey with her first official trophy award! Abbey and I competed in a fundraiser barrel race to support kid’s cancer research and won a top spot in one of the divisions cutting a check and a sweet set of beaded spur straps. What made this even more special was that we ran our best personal time in this arena (one we frequent often) and beat my goal for us for the year. When I began hauling her in the early spring we would typically run 17.4 second patterns in this arena and that day we ran a 16.2...a huge improvement!
I know I have Ezium to thank for our success as a huge contributing factor. Abbey is a different horse on this product... happier, more mellow, focused and healthier! Thank you again for your great product, my feed room is never without it!"
Becca E.
Annville, PA
Lea I.
Hi! Put my special needs reiner on EZium metabolic formula last month. Just wanted to let you know it’s working great for his busy little mind. The EZium along with ulcer treatment has made a world of difference. Cobra is a reserve world champion now and gobbled up his supplement every morning at the show. He is a dream come true! He’s insulin resistant but blood work has been great for the past year and he’s lost a lot of his crest since I started adding chromium to his diet. I love that the EZium metabolic has chromium added to it. No more yucky liquid. Thank you!!
Elizabeth M.
I want to express my thanks to the folks at EZium for creating this impressive product for horses! My Belgian Warmblood mare was quite spooky at times and apprehensive about certain aspects of her job. We do the low Hunters and she couldn’t wait to finish the course! My trainer recommended that I give EZium a try because the magnesium could help relieve some of her anxiety. Boy am I glad that I did. It has made a tremendous difference in her anxiety levels! We now have bunch of others at the barn with similar results! It is always a pleasure to work with the staff. They get back to me right away and are so friendly and accommodating! Thanks a million!!
Rebekah K.
EZium was recommended to me by my trainer for my overly sensitive rescue gelding. He had all of the symptoms of being magnesium deficient. He was nervous, jumpy, tense and as it turns out, hadn’t been getting any proper nutrients. I started him on EZium and saw an immediate change in his behavior. He became more calm and focused. I now feed it to all of my horses. What a wonderful and simple solution! Thanks EZium!
"In March of 2017 my beloved 17 year-old Quarter Horse Reining mare, "Lucky Lena Lady', underwent surgery on her left front leg to repair significant damage as a result of ringbone.
Eight weeks at NC State Veterinary Hospital, a metal plate, and seven screws later, I was told she was well enough to transport home. Realizing that the amount of extensive rehab required was well beyond the scope of my capabilities, I reached out barn owner and the developer of EZium, Teena Middleton, for her assistance. The next several months revolved around complete stall rest and daily hand walks.
It was a glorious day when Lady was finally permitted to have limited paddock turnout , and 6 months into her recovery, we could enjoy brief walk/trot rides.

There is no doubt in my mind that Lady would not have had such a successful recovery without the aid of EZium. She was bred and trained to maintain a high energy level that could master complex maneuvers with agility and quickness. She was not accustomed to being confined and limited. Placing Lady on EZium was the single best decision made to aid in her recovery; it helped Lady to cope with her limitations easier by reducing anxiety and helping her to maintain a calmer state. During the times when Lady would get startled or upset, I noticed that the episode subsided a lot more quickly than before.
Most important for me is the fact that EZium is safe, especially since Lady has a sensitive system and was unable to withstand a variety of medications. The peace of mind that I gained from knowing that this product was helping her and was not damaging to her system was invaluable. I am happy to report that a year following her surgery, Lady is enjoying full turnout and is being ridden at all 3 gaits. I would recommend this product to anyone, it helped save my friend, Lady."
Heidi R.
Zebulon, NC

Key Largo is a 17yo Hanoverian cross (probably TB/QH/Appendix) mare, schooling first level. She has had significant issues with ulcers and has been treated with multiple ulcer medications on several different occasions. She started on regular EZium within the past year. She is on Regumate from March - September of each year. I usually notice a significant change in behavior when she comes off the regumate each fall - more spooky, cold backed, sensitive around her stifles, gets upset about minor things. She started on the EZium+ shortly after stopping the regumate, and I have been having consistently good rides on her. I usually only ride her once a week. Sometimes her owner lunges her in between and sometimes not. With Thanksgiving, I skipped a week, and so it had been two weeks since I had ridden her. She had not been worked otherwise since my last ride. It was one of the coldest days we've had so far and windy, and she didn't put a foot wrong.
Thank you so much - I'm really excited about this new product!
Emme J.

“Happy Go Riley” wasn’t very happy. He was getting girthy, resistant to the leg, and would get so tense he was on a hair trigger to take off with my 11-year-old daughter. When we had him scoped, he was diagnosed with severe hindgut ulcers. After his month-long treatment of sucralfate, UlcerGard, and misoprostol, he was better, but not great. Still girthy, bitey, and pretty unhappy.
Enter EZium+ Enteric! After 2 weeks of adding this supplement to his food I could see a marked improvement. He was calmer (not slower, but more willing and able to handle various stressors in and out of the ring), less bitey, and I knew we were heading in the right direction. Today marks one month of Riley on EZium+ Enteric, and he is truly back to being “Happy Go Riley” again. I am a lifelong believer in this supplement and recommend anyone use it if they have an ulcer-prone, highly stressed horse!
Catie B.
Willow Spring, NC

"I have had great results from feeding EZium. I started feeding a liquid form of magnesium supplement to aid in the management of my horse's anxiety and behavior outbursts. Later, I realized magnesium's benefits in my horse's ulcer prevention program. While this product was effective, l discovered that feeding EZium, a pelleted product, was super convenient and also much more cost effective. I am an EZium convert for sure and highly recommend this product."
Sara P.
Bowling Rock, NC

"From the very beginning of having Henry he has always been anxious when it was time to go work, overly sensitive to his surroundings and being a big strong sound horse we found it near impossible to “calm him” either mentally or physically. His anxiety sometime would manifest in behavior that you would almost describe at “bullying”.
We put him on another magnesium supplement and definitely had some improvement. Noticeable, but plateaued at about 90 days. Still was very hard to prepare at the horse shows and would decide that a certain end of the area was scary for weeks after an ‘incident” in that spot: a truck backfired, a horse on the outside jumped, took off…
Earlier this year we switched to the EZium. Within weeks the trainer noticed an improved and prolonged ability to focus at home. He is easier to prepare at the horse shows and have not had any “scary spots” in the ring for months! What I noticed most recently is that he has been on it for a while now and we continue to get improvements in his focus and demeanor. Also not sure if it’s coincidence, but Henry has always had very “reactive skin” prone to rashes, allergy symptoms, runny eyes etc…And while I can’t say he is 100% better, we have not had to put him on any other meds for these symptoms since starting the EZium.
Good stuff. We have just started the other show gelding on it."
Angela S.
Greenville, SC

"Midas has always struggled with anxiety, and not just in new environments. He wasn't a horse that bucked or reared, but running through my aids was a daily problem. With EZium, he still has anxiety, but much much less. He can focus through the anxiety with EZium. We have tried numerous calming supplements with little to no decrease in anxiety. Great scores at the show where this picture was taken (64.038, 66.739, and 67.391). Thanks to EZium."
Amanda B.
Sanford, NC

"I am thrilled by the response of my performance horses to the addition of EZium to their diet. My FEI dressage horse had a lot of tension and tightness throughout his body. Once he started on the EZium, he became more relaxed and all the tension and muscle tightness disappeared. He is now relaxed, supple, forward, and much more rideable. My event horse also looks much better physically after starting on the EZium. he starts and finishes his cross country looking relaxed, forward, supple, and rideable."
Mary T.
Apex, NC

The difference has been absolutely incredible! Her gut, even like her outer appearance, her coat; she's not bloated anymore. She went from looking like she was pregnant to having flanks again, and I mean she just looks incredible. She's not had any issues. Normally when the weather changes like this, I have all kinds of problems with her; nothing lately. She's had solid bowel movements. Also I've been having problems whenever we go to compete. The last three shows, the last three races, she has placed and won money with no issues. So yeah, I'm a believer!
Holly S.
Aberdeen, NC

"I am so thankful to have found EZium. I originally started to feed EZium to improve focus on my young horse. As an added benefit, I am also seeing less tension, tightness and better muscle recovery. I have been so impressed with it that I am starting my other horse on it as well. It's also a picky eater approved! The horses look great and are going better than ever. Thanks for making a wonderful supplement!"
Kelly W.
Pinehurst, NC

“I’m writing to share the story of my little mare, Roxie.
Last summer Roxie started exhibiting symptoms of headshaking, including massive amounts of twitching as if there were flies all over her, tossing her head, and generally looking stressed and bothered. It worsened to the point that she could not lower her head to eat and had to be stalled with her hay and water elevated.
We tried so many things, including antihistamines, the liquid titanium mask, Bute, etc. We did an ultrasound of her nuchal ligament and treated that for inflammation with no success. Nothing worked. We finally tried gabapentin, which did work, hallelujah.
This year, Roxie has a teenage student of mine who asked to show her. Because gabapentin is not show legal, we set about finding another solution. We did trials of electrolytes, a titanium mask, and charted her symptoms with and without the gabapentin. She can go about 5 days without it before the symptoms return, consistently.
We decided to try EZium - and it works. I’m amazed. It works just as well as the gabapentin. Roxie went to her first weekend show in late April, and then went again for the day in June, with a 5 point increase in her score. Her rider is enjoying growing her skills and the pony’s confidence at shows, and she stays on the EZium and stays well.
Well, last week I forgot to include it in the feed order, so she has been off of it for about 4-5 days… and last night had an “episode” of massive twitching, inability to lower her head, and just a lot of upset. I was distressed to see this, and then this morning woke up and remembered — she’s out of EZium! Once on it again she’s doing just fine.
We’re so glad to have a product that enables this talented pony to feel her best and give her all to her young rider and all the young people in our lesson program.
Thank you!”
Elle G.
Pittsboro, NC

"I have an 11 yr old Appaloosa mare who came here with a lot of insecurities and behavioral challenges. She was reactive, worried, unfocused and sometimes less than sweet tempered. Of course we tried all of the "traditional" remedies, rest and turnout, Regumate, scoped for ulcers, patience and time etc. I was making progress but it was slow and it was severely hampered by what appeared to be periodic episodes of tying up. Was she tying up because she was stressing out or stressing out because she was tying up? It became apparent that this was a major factor in our obstacle to help this mare relax and start to make more progress. Enter EZium. After three weeks on the product even mild symptoms of tying up were gone. They have not returned. At nine weeks on Ezium we were able to enter our first schooling show which was a MAJOR milestone. Achieving a 61% at Training 1 and a 64% at Training 2 may not sound like a huge thing but I can promise you that for us it was REMARKABLE. We were not perfect and there is certainly room for improvement, but even when she got worried this mare was able to work through it and not "blow up". She got better in her second test whereas before she would usually escalate in her concerns as the day progressed. She finished the day quiet, sensible, happy and relaxed. She was tolerant of others in the warm-up ring, stood happily on the trailer and ate hay and was extremely reasonable to handle and ride. I could not be more proud of her. And suffice it to say she will be an EZium horse from now on."
Diana H.
Southern Pines, NC

"I bought EZium to try on my over reacting, over sensitive and highly reactive to sound 13 year old Half Arabian mare,Cocoa. Cocoa is my show horse and brought many kids into the ring as well. Over the last couple of years we have seen these issues develop and made me uneasy. I had vets out to check her, tried many different supplements, a staple in her forehead pressure point, you name it we tried it. I no longer trusted her with the kids under saddle. It wasn't until 5 days into her first supply of EZium that I noticed her manure stopped being loose and runny as it had been for at least a year. I tested it and put her back on her old calming supplements for a day, loose manure returned. Took her off and back on EZium and in 2 days she was back to normal again. Not only did EZium curb her over sensitivities but made her feel much better gut wise. And I once again have children riding her.
Meanwhile I decided to try some out on my rescue Thoroughbred, Chance, who had a bad time with the farrier the month before. She was on EZium for 2 weeks, her tendencies to be overacted declined and the next farrier visit she hung her head low and relaxed, which is something she had never done.
Lastly, 7 days before the final show of the year I put my 8 year old Arabian gelding, Jameel, on EZium. He sure is gorgeous but can be an airhead. He was calm, cool, and non reactive or spooky the entire show. He was so good I even let another rider show him. He exceeded all my expectations!
We are a huge fan of EZium for all horses!!"
Jessica S.
Wayne, ME

"We have been using EZium for over six months now and absolutely love this product. We now have all of our training horses on it. Our horses look and feel great. They are able to work hard and recuperate quickly. We have two horses that were problem "sweaters" and they are actually sweating now that they are on EZium. I highly recommend EZium for any horses that are in regular work and you want them to feel their best."
Susie W.
Sanford, NC